Thursday, January 23, 2014

Encounters #1

          When I use the Internet I usually check the current news on my homepage. This past Wednesday, while I was at home, I was browsing through the different headlines and articles on my laptop when I found an article that caught my eye. This article is about a woman named Leslie who miscarried her baby due to the flu. According to the article, Leslie and her husband were misinformed by different sources. They ended up believing that women should avoid taking a flu vaccine in the first trimester of their pregnancy. As a result, neither of them took a flu vaccine, which would later prove to be a costly mistake. What started out to be a simple flu with symptoms such as nausea, aches, and fever, grew gradually worse. Sadly, Leslie’s right lung collapsed and surgery was performed right after to replace her collapsed lung with an artificial lung. Her husband was able to fully recover from the flu. What the couple did not know was that it is highly recommended that women who are pregnant, especially during the flu season, get a flu shot. Some women do not know that they can get a flu shot at any time of pregnancy.

          I learned that the flu increases the risk of miscarriages, premature birth, and low birth rate. In addition, I learned that flu shots are safe for pregnant women because before I thought that it would cause harm to the baby. When a person gets a flu shot, there is still a possibility that they still might get the flu. However, I learned that it would not be as severe compared to the people who did not get a flu shot. This unfortunate event is related to immunology because it is dealing with vaccines that contain an attenuated strain that provides immunity against a particular disease. This article shows the importance of vaccination and how it helps the immune system fight against diseases.

Unfortunately, Leslie is currently on a ventilator and is still trying to recover.

I pray that she may have a fast recovery and strength for her family that is going through a difficult time.

To read more about the story, click on the following link:

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